I have seen several beautiful floral yard mannequins with flowers growing on the skirt and mosaic designs on the bodice and thought I can do that! Little easier said than done. This is the first part describing how I am attempting to complete one. Of course I didn't read any of the other directions but for some reason decided to do it my own way. Oops, that sounded like a man who won't ask for directions. I say attempting because I used to have a corner of my craft room filled with projects that did not work the way I thought they should so they got set aside never to be touched again. I finally cleaned them out and am starting fresh determined not to let the projects defeat me.
This post also includes one major "don't", this is very important so pay attention :)
I have a dress form that hasn't been used in years and that seemed like a good place to start. I wanted to have plenty of room for decorating so I adjusted her as large as she would go which made quite a gap at her waist. To solve that problem I just took some paper and taped over it so the gap wouldn't show in the final product. I didn't want to ruin my form, just in case I decided to start sewing again, so I completely covered her with plastic wrap.
My husband decided she needed bigger boobs (no surprise there) so I took a styrofoam ball I had laying around and cut it in half. To kept her enhanced figure in place I just wrapped them with more plastic wrap. I have to give him credit I think it was a great idea.
Now we needed to figure out what to make the mold out of. I had a good supply of Rigid Wrap I purchased at Michael's a few years ago when they had some on clearance so figured this would work perfect. If you have never used Rigid Wrap it's actually pretty fun, but it can be messy so have your area covered with plenty of newspaper and a wet rag close by. Plastic gloves would probably be a good idea but I just can't stand them. This is basically the same stuff they make you wear when you break a bone.
Hopefully you have a good friend you want to spend some time with because now would be the time to call her in. Make sure she likes to get messy and enjoys a cold beverage or two because this next step will take you some time, and is a lot more fun if your laughing and sharing it with someone.
The Rigid Wrap comes in rolls so you need to cut them in manageable lengths, say 6" to 12". Longer seems like it would be easier but depending on what container you use for the water they can actually be more difficult to handle. I use a plastic shoe box with water to wet each piece and have found it works better if you wet the piece then run it between your fingers to really get the plaster ready for use. You will need to add several overlapping layers to make sure she is sturdy enough, once you think your done grab another cold one and keep going.
Now it was time for what I thought would be the hardest part of the whole project, walk away and let her dry. You'll find out later that was not the hardest part :) Make sure she is completely dry before removing or she will fall apart. Be patient and start another project for a couple days, or heaven forbid clean the house!
I forgot to take a picture, but I put two pieces of flat metal the same length as her sides underneath the Rigid Wrap and again secured with plastic. I wanted to make sure I would not cut the dress form when I sawed her in two, you know just in case I decide to sew again.
Once I was sure she was completely dry I used an electric saw with a cut off wheel and ran down each side.
Before I started filling her I again wrapped more plastic completely covering the mold. If the Rigid Wrap gets wet it will fall apart, just like your leg cast would have.
I then duct taped the two pieces back together. Again, this is a good time to ask for some help, any excuse for good company and a cold one, because you need to get them as tight and perfectly lined up as possible. Before filling her we sat her on a piece of flat metal laying around so the filling would hopefully stay inside.
Next we had to decide what to make the final sculpture out of. I originally wanted to use cement but my husband thought this would make her too top heavy, and again, I have to admit he was right. Ouch that hurt, twice in one post :) So we decided spray foam would be the best. Light weight, easy to use (when filling cracks) and pretty inexpensive. Seemed like the perfect solution. This is what the mold looked like immediately after filling her. Looked to me like this was going pretty well, a little smoothing when she was dry and we'd be ready to decorate. HA!
Here comes the part I mentioned earlier about what not to do. DO NOT use 7 cans of spray foam in one human sized torso!!! You would think we had been drinking when we made that decision but I have to admit it was a decision made with no added influences. I don't know how much experience you have using this product but obviously we did not have enough.
Remember how great she was looking as soon as we finished with the 7th can? When they say this stuff expands they aren't kidding. Here's what she looked like within a couple hours. She's growing and .....
and growing.
If I make another one I think we will put one can in and let it expand most of the way before adding another. If I had to guess, I'm pretty sure 3 cans would be more than enough. Another tip I learned the hard way, we were standing there pretty much watching her grow and my husband so kindly reminded me not to touch. Guess I had a major gray moment because my hand automatically reached out and, you guessed it. Believe me this stuff is sticky until dry and a nightmare to try and get off. Oh no, was that a 3rd time in one post that he was right!!
After very impatiently waiting a few days to remove the mold, we thought she was dry. She looked pretty good and I was excited. Decided to let her sit a while longer just to make sure and guess what, she started leaking from a spot towards the bottom of her back that was not completely dry. I won't share with you what a friend suggested this looked like, just use your imagination :)
A couple more days of being patient and doing a little trimming on the top this is what we ended up with. Still have to use the electric knife and do a little plastic surgery, more on that to come later.
By now I am a little frustrated but refusing to give up. She will be finished and placed in the yard by fall. Luckily I live in Phoenix so I think the first of November is my goal.
For now I'm taking a break and working on a simple project, moving my office and completely redoing the room to turn it into our Li'l Redneck Casino!!! That sounds like a much easier project :)
Hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to sharing the second part with you. I debated on even posting this but realized it would be a good motivator for me to finish. She doesn't deserve to be thrown in the corner.