Here is a picture of a very boring changing table I picked up at a local auction. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do with it I had many ideas like a potting table or bar. But my adopted grand daughter had other plans, she decided to have a baby.
This was really a simple redo just took quite a bit of time because of all the different pieces. It originally had a varnish on most of it which had to be sanded off. Again more of a process than I expected.
I wanted to paint it to match the crib set so I picked a light blue, navy blue and dark brown.
For an added touch I took dark blue scrap booking letters and decoupaged them on the back.
She had no idea I was doing this for her and was so excited when I showed up unannounced. Just took her a couple hours to have it filled with diapers and clothes. I think it was a good choice.
nice job